the bouquet csa (subscription)
Eight total bouquets picked up every other week. Or 16 weeks if you like your bouquets every week.
Mid June-Mid September. See below for more details.
New info for this year:
We are adding another week to your subscriptions. Yay! An extra week in September means more dahlias for you!!!
We will be offering delivery in our neighborhood as well as through Milwaukee County. You will get more info about the day of the week once we have most people signed up.
We are going to continue to drop off at Vennture. We are adding a Bayview location as well. The exact location is still TBD.
AKA: the bouquet CSA. You will get a total of 8 of our seasonal market bouquets. These babies are all Wisconsin grown and will vary in size, shape, and color throughout the growing season.
Need to skip a day? Just let us know a day in advance if you will miss a pick-up and you can double up on a different day, pick up on an off week, or use the make-up date at the end of the season. We really are very flexible if you give us a little notice.
We will send out a reminder email each week with pick up info.